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Commercial Property Loans

The journey of starting a business, and then running a successful one, can be a challenge. From our own experience, the concept phase may seem the hardest, however trying to keep the “doors” open is where the real difficulty can sometimes lie. This is where we can help.

Are you starting out and need funds to get you off the ground?

Are you ready to expand the business? New location or additional location.

Does your business equipment need a refresh? Or maybe you don’t have any at all.

Do you need to overcome some short term cashflow issues that might be holding you back?

Could tidying up the business’ finance free up more cash?

All of these questions and more we understand, which is why we would love to partner with you and join you on your journey to success.

Choosing the right bank or lender to help you with your commercial lending needs can make a big difference to the success of your company. Since the best asset your business has is you, you should be focused on tasks that help grow your business. Let us manage the lending, we will do the heavy lifting when it comes to sourcing and tailoring a financial package specifically suited to your business’ needs, potentially giving your business the advantage, it deserves.

Typically, investors tend to favour commercial properties over residential properties as they are seen to generate higher returns, and usually come with longer lease periods. However, unlike investing in residential property, commercial property does also come with a layer of additional complexities and, are considered higher risk, especially from the point of view of most lenders.

It’s for this reason, trying to find finance for a commercial property purchase can be an unnerving task, irrespective if you are an entry level investor or a sophisticated one, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. This is where we can help.

We will take the time to understand your needs and objectives before finding you a commercial property loan that is tailored specifically for you. We have key relationships with lenders who specialise in these types of loans, we understand their criteria and loan option which helps us partner you with the right lender. We can also negotiate loan terms on your behalf.

To learn more about investing in commercial property, go to our Our Thoughts page or click here. If you’d like some assistance with your commercial lending needs, we’d love to hear from you, please contact us.