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Who we are

At Willow and Reed Private, we strive to bring you the best, we want to inspire you, to motivate you, to drive you towards achieving your next goal.

Whether your dream is to own your first home, build your dream home, start up your own business, go on that well-earned family holiday or even to buy that dream car you’ve always wanted, we are here to help.

We are all journeying through life, and whilst each of our paths maybe different, in the end the goal is the same, to be happy and to leave a lasting impression in everything we do.

So, bring us on your journey, let us partner with you as you move to the next phase in your life, let us help you find your happiness.


The name that defines us

The Willow Tree symbolises flexibility, adaptability, balance and growth. Its branches can bend easily without breaking, and can withstand the heaviest of storms and harshest climates. The branches represent survival and endurance while the trunk represents strength, stability and structure

In ancient times, Reed Plants were woven together and used as roofs for homes to provide natural insulation, it’s because of that the reed plant has long been a symbol of protection. In more recent times it represents purpose, purification and communication.

Willow & Reed Private embodies the qualities of both the willow tree and the reed plant. We represent strength, stability and structure. Our purpose is to deliver to our clients tailored solutions that continue to help them weather the storm of an ever-changing lending environment, by adapting to their needs and, growing with them as they journey through different stages in their lives.