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What to consider when refinancing?

October 21, 2020 | Comments: 0

So, with the RBA’s cash rate at an all-time low, the question being asked by many home owners is “should I refinance?”, the answer is, “it depends”. This is why coming to us, or finding a mortgage broker that understands your needs, is so important. Before any decision to refinance can be made (or any lending decision for that matter), you should consider the ‘3 dimensions’ to lending, the purpose, the lender, and you: Why do you want to refinance? What purpose will it serve? Do you want to pay down more of your mortgage? Are you looking to take…


A simple guide to investing in commercial property

October 21, 2020 | Comments: 0

What to consider before buying a commercial property? Buying a commercial property may seem like a daunting task, however, if the numbers make sense and you’re prepared for the long game, then the principles are much the same as buying a residential property. Now, that’s not to say building a commercial property portfolio is easy, or that it doesn’t come with it’s added level of risk, but like any investment opportunity, if the numbers stack up and thorough research is conducted, the risk could end up being very rewarding. So firstly, you do not need to be a business or…


11 Strategies to help pay off your mortgage sooner

October 21, 2020 | Comments: 0

It’s one thing to say that you’d like to pay off your home loan faster, and it’s another to take action. For most of us, the former is more our reality. We all want the dream of owning our home outright and saving money as we do it, but unfortunately, life takes over. There is usually never enough time in the day, or we get complacent, we start to run on autopilot and we put strategies we know are good for us in the too-hard basket to be looked at another day, or in some cases, not at all. The…


Offset vs Redraw

October 16, 2020 | Comments: 0

Offset vs Redraw: which one is best for you? Let’s be clear, both can save you money on your interest payable, and both can potentially reduce your loan term if used correctly. What else do they have in common? They both give you access to your excess or extra repayments. So, what’s the difference? Well, that’s up to you. Each have their place, depending on your needs and objectives. Why an Offset account? An offset account works very much the same as an everyday bank account or high-interest earning account, which is linked to your mortgage. You can get access…


Buying your first investment property

October 16, 2020 | Comments: 0

What you should consider Buyer beware, investing in property can present some fantastic opportunities to grow your wealth and secure a healthy income, however, if not timed carefully or applied for without sufficient research, and the right kind of help, property investing can present serious challenges to any borrower. Whilst investing in property can offer you a steady stream of income, one of the biggest reasons most borrowers get into the property market is for the potential capital growth, not to mention the possible tax benefits you could receive over the life of owning the property (you will need to…


A guide to buying a house

October 16, 2020 | Comments: 0

A guide to buying a house The dream of buying a home, especially in this day and age, may seem out of reach for some people, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s quite simple. With a good budget, a little discipline, and even having a basic understanding of what to expect, you could be well on your way to achieving your dream of owning your own home. Whether you’re starting out, or well into the journey, the key to the whole process is getting the fundamentals right; saving for a deposit and finding a lender is only a small…